Friday, May 15, 2009

Respone to When is this all going to be over?

This is a response to "When is this all going to be over?"

I like this article because it is written from pure common sense and many people fail to understand our situation in the Middle East. When was the last time we heard about Osama Bin Laden on TV or the newspaper. Does anyone still remember who he is? This war continues to soil America’s good name even if the war’s purpose is to rebuild their country. We are spending a tremendous amount of money for that purpose but how will that help our own problems. Not only are we burning money to stay in the Middle East, we are doing so in other countries. AS of right now, we have over 750 military installments in 50 countries, and funding all this is not cheap. It requires money, money that we need. I hope we realize that occupying all these countries will do us more harm than good.

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